dinsdag 2 juli 2013
Last blog message of my adventure
It's today the 2th of Juli! I arrived yesterday back in Belgium. I had a good and safely flight.
It's the end of my adventure, it was a great experience that I will never forget! This experience changed me in a positive way, it made me stronger! I met wonderful people there, that will be my friends forever! Canada is a wonderful country with so much nature. Canada is my second home.
This is the last message I will post on my blog. I wanna thank the people that followed my blog!
I hope you enjoyed it, it was a great pleasure to write for you all!
Always follow your dreams! It won't be easy sometimes but you can always try! Try to do what you love and love what you do!
Thank you all!
Many greetings,
zondag 30 juni 2013
It's today the 30th of June, I'm leaving today. It's the end of my adventure!! This is my last message that I am writing in Canada! It was a great year and lots of experiences! I will miss a lot of people!
But I will be back, Canada is my second home!
Belgium here I come!!! See you monday, Looking forward to see everybody back!
Many greetings Zoe
vrijdag 28 juni 2013
Today we are the 28th of June. Unbelievable!!! It has been already a really emotional week! But also a beautiful week with lots of exciting things. I will tell you about that.
Before I came here they said, leaving would be the hardest moment. And that's true, did not think it would be so hard! When I was packing, I realized that I have a lot of stuff here, stuff from ten months.
Canada will always be my second home!
I will be happy to see my friends and family back in Belgium!
Now I will tell about the prom and the graduation. The prom was monday. My date was Jonathan from Hong Kong. First we went to the Public gardens in Halifax at 5pm. To take a lot of pictures.
On 6.45pm we went to the World Trade Convention centre down town. The dinner and the dance took there place.
For dinner we had chicken with a nice salad, and the dessert was chocolate cake with ice cream.
The prom ended at midnight.
Thursday it was the graduation. It took place at exhibition park on Prospect road. This year they had the biggest graduation group from the history of Halifax West High School. 430 students graduated.
That was really special to be part of that! They have video's from it, that I will show you later but now I will show some pictures. Prom and graduation are really big in Canada.
Tomorrow is my last full day, hard to believe.
Am grateful that I was able to experience this adventure!
I will post one more blog message on sunday.
woensdag 19 juni 2013
It is today the 19th of June. Today I will talk about the second part of the trip. Sorry that you had to wait a day longer. Saturday morning when we woke up, we had a huge breakfast at the Bed and Breakfast. A little bit to much. It started with banana bread and cinnamon rolls. Then yoghurt. After that they served some fruit. I was almost stuffed. We got some beans in tomato sauce. At least the last dish arrived. That were two pancakes with apple and cinnamon. We ate until lunch hour.
That day we saw a lot of wild animals. I went whale watching with my mother and I saw a Minke whale. He was nine meters long. He swam under the boat, the boat was much smaller then him.
Amazing to see these huge animals!
We saw two moose that day, I saw one at the wild life park. But to see them in nature that's special.
There were lots of eagles. That day a lot of special things happened.
Sunday and monday we did the rest of the Cabot Trail. That's so beautiful, every corner surprised me.
Sunday evening we had lobster at the restaurant. I was trying to open it nicely. But one piece flew in the air and hit the other side of the room. That was funny. I couldn't stop laughing.
I had a really nice trip with my parents! Tomorrow it's their last day here. The flight is in the evening.
And ten days later I'll be back in Belgium. Time goes so fast, unbelievable!
It's hard to believe.
Now I will show you some pictures!
Greetings Zoë
The moose
Expeditie Robinson in Canada ;)
The whale
zondag 16 juni 2013
Today it is the 16th of June. Today I will talk about the trip with my parents. Monday they picked me up after school. And we drove from Halifax to Wolfville. We slept there for two nights. Monday and Tuesday night. Tuesday we went to Digby Neck. In the harbor of Digby they catch scallops. They taste really good. In the evening we drove back to Wolfville.
Wednesday we went to Windsor and we visited the Mermaid Theatre. That's an ateliers where they make puppets. They travel the whole world with their shows. Their shows are about children's books. Like "The very hungry caterpillar".
In the evening we drove to Burncoat, next to the Bay of Fundy. There they measured the highest and the lowest tides from the whole world. Amazing to see.
Antigonish was our next stop, we visited the little city. Antigonish is also a university city. The St. Francis Xavier university is there. That's where I slept for the Leadership. that was our last stop before we went to Cape Breton.
Around lunch hour we arrived in Cape Breton and we started the Cabot trail. Friday evening we spent the night in Pleasant Bay at the National park of Canada.
The rest will follow tomorrow, and will let you know which wild animals I saw. Now I will show you some pictures from the trip.
A puppet
Me at the Mermaid Theatre
At his lowest tide
Special clouds
highest tide
spooky clouds
to catch lobster
donderdag 13 juni 2013
Today we are 13th of June. The third of June was the last activity of the International Student program of Nova Scotia. It took place at Mic Mac Canoe Club. From 5 pm until 8.30 pm.
There were Dragon boats. These are very long boats, and you can canoe with a lot of people together. Out of teak wood to various designs and sizes. After that we came inside to have a nice dinner together.
Every student got a certificate of Enrollment. They took a picture from all the international students from every school. Then there were awards in all categories, I also got an award. That was a great honor, did not expect. Thank you to the people that nominated me. You will see a picture of the award under my blog message.
You will see also some pictures from my trip with my parents, and tomorrow I will write about the trip.
maandag 10 juni 2013
It's today the 10th of June, last friday my parents arrived. After more than 9 months I saw them back.
Happy to see them! All the emotions came above! It felt unreal. My parents had a warm welcome from Blandine, Giulia, Lander, Eleanor, Allyson and Afi. They filmed the moment. Today my parents picked me up at school, and we are making a trip to Cape Breton. We are staying over night in Wolfville. Tomorrow we will do a day trip to Digby. After the day trip we will come back to Wolfville.
I will show you some pictures.
Tomorrow I will talk about the last activity we had with the International Student Program, and I let you know how our day trip went.
Greetings Zoë
donderdag 6 juni 2013
Today it was the 6th of June, it's already the 7th of June. Today is a special day, and I still can't realize.
My parents are arriving in the late afternoon. After almost ten months I gonna be happy to see them back. Skype is great but to see people back in the front of you, and be able to give them a hug will be a great feeling. My parents are now on their way to the airport. I wish them a good flight!
The 28th of May we had an activity with the International Student Program. We went to Shubenacadie wild life park. The weather was great to walk around. The parks are so different then in Belgium. Our group and some other people were there. Totally not busy. We had a question sheet to fill out. One of the questions was taking pictures of certain animals. Now I will show you some pictures.
About two weeks ago I went with Erin golfing. But glowing in the dark golfing. It is with black lights and they painted inside with fluorescent paint. The effect that this makes is really cool. And makes it harder to get the golf ball in the hole. I will post some pictures.
Greetings Zoë
Today it was the 6th of June, it's already the 7th of June. Today is a special day, and I still can't realize.
My parents are arriving in the late afternoon. After almost ten months I gonna be happy to see them back. Skype is great but to see people back in the front of you, and be able to give them a hug will be a great feeling. My parents are now on their way to the airport. I wish them a good flight!
The 28th of May we had an activity with the International Student Program. We went to Shubenacadie wild life park. The weather was great to walk around. The parks are so different then in Belgium. Our group and some other people were there. Totally not busy. We had a question sheet to fill out. One of the questions was taking pictures of certain animals. Now I will show you some pictures.
About two weeks ago I went with Erin golfing. But glowing in the dark golfing. It is with black lights and they painted inside with fluorescent paint. The effect that this makes is really cool. And makes it harder to get the golf ball in the hole. I will post some pictures.
Greetings Zoë
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