Yesterday we had a lock down at our school. It's not the same like a fire drill. A lock down is if someone the school enters with a knife or a gun. Then we lock all the doors and try to stay in a spot so that nobody sees us. Maybe one time I talked about this from the outside of the classroom you can't open the door. They changed the doors after this kind of incident happened. A guy ran three years ago into the school with a knife. That's when they realized that the school wasn't safe enough.
But now the whole school is safe with camera's, the new doors, security,.....
Today the 26th of february and tomorrow the 27th of february I'm on a art event. In Halifax down town. It takes place in University of King's College Halifax. It's the oldest university in the whole of Canada. This event is with different high school's. And from each high school 6 a 9 people are coming over those two days with there teacher. The subject is fantasy, imagination and innovation: the play of the creative mind. three speakers came today to talk about how they use the subjects in there work.The first one makes movies his name is Josh MacDonald. The second one is an archaeologist his name is Jonathan Fowler. The third person is a woman that crochet. An example she crocheted playgrounds. Her work is amazing. She works together with her husband Charles MacAdam.
On the internet you find information about those artist if you are interested. it was very interesting I've learned new English words that I never heard before.
This week I will show you some pictures from the hockey game I went to.
Greetings Zoë
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